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Mensajes - RodasGar

¿Y esto es lo mejor del año?  :o, estoy contento de estar alejado de este mundillo desde hace un tiempo porque si esto es de los mejor que se está haciendo... Juego simplón, ultradirigido, con un considerable factor azar; seguramente guste tanto por la asimetría, pero nada que juegos como caos en el viejo mundo no hubiera hecho antes.

en: 10 de Diciembre de 2017, 09:10:09 2 SALÓN DE TE / ¿Qué os parece...? / Gaia Project, ¿qué os parece?

Probado ayer, juegazo, para mí mucho más "elegante" que Terra Mystica; las sensaciones son similares, pero mejor regusto final. Ganas de jugar de nuevo.

en: 13 de Noviembre de 2017, 08:46:41 3 SALÓN DE TE / ¿Qué os parece...? / Re:Gloomhaven, ¿qué os parece?

Probado, sinceramente para la dedicación que requiere prefiero jugar a rol, demasiada parafernalia para ser un juego de mazmorreo más, me gusta el motor de cartas, pero la esencia no difiere mucho de un descent al uso y pongo esta opinión porque difícilmente lo volveré a jugar, como he dicho prefiero jugar a rol.
No te enteras de nada y ya empieza a ser cansino así que hasta otra amigos.

Enviado desde mi SM-T805 mediante Tapatalk
No te enteras tú que si hubieras dicho desde el principio:
 "A ver, sin animo de ofender ni echar más leña, era una regla pensada para el juego que por un error se ha tenido que convertir en variante. Originalmente el juego estaba pensado para jugarse con esa regla. Dicho esto, que cada cual juegue como quiera, yo la he usado y funciona de maravilla dejando el juego redondo." yo me habría callado, pero has intentando ir de listillo intentando menospreciar y rebatir el hecho de que a mí me parezca largo, cuando a mí 1 minuto en un juego me puede parecer eterno, es algo subjetivo que no se puede rebatir.

en: 10 de Marzo de 2017, 12:27:19 5 SALÓN DE TE / ¿Qué os parece...? / Re:TIME STORIES

Más opiniones excepcionales, y créeme Kalamidad hay muchíiiiiisimas más. Con esto no quiero hacerte cambiar de opinión sobre el juego, sólo que veas que tu criterio no es único e irrefutable. Hay gente, por increíble que te parezca, a la que no le gusta este juego nada de nada.

"Barely a game."

"This was an annoying exercise in time wasting not a game. We only played the base game. Maybe the other expansions are better at actually being a game, but I'll never know. The one game we played left me with NO desire to ever try this again."

"Intentar, memorizar, repetir. Una historia genérica donde las haya, una mecánica de dados sin mucho sentido y una nula rejugabilidad completan el trato. No, gracias."

"Awful experience for us. After reading the rules twice things were still too unclear. We finished after 8 hours with a bit of cheating to avoid wasting another hour of dry play. Nothing special in the story for a puzzle game; your average puzzle/enigma game is far better than this. After the first two runs it gets very repetitive."

"Production quality is also lacking with the insert arriving broken in multiple places and the deck of cards had lots of dust inside; we had to clean each card individually."

"This game has some good ideas, but it's fundamentally broken. To "win", you need to memorize the correct sequence of plays and perform them in exact order. The only way to learn the correct sequence of plays is by dead reckoning. Guess wrong, lose, and start over from the beginning. Ways to lose include: Doing someone a favor, not doing someone a favor, not talking to a person, and my personal favorite: talking to a person. Oh, and of course there are dice. Start over and better luck next time."

"I love the concept of a choose your own adventure game (I read these books as a kid and have very fond memories), but this is an awful implementation. This was singularly the most tedious and frustrating experience I've ever had gaming, and I would urge you to stay the hell away from this game."

"Did not live up to the hype at all. Myself and the group were very excited to get this to the table, and it really fell flat. There are several reasons for this, the first is that for a fairly straight forward game, the rules are messy. This in itself is not a real problem, however, you have no room for error as you do not want to spoil the game for yourself and a miss play.
Second, there is no real deduction. It is guess work at best, and it all leads to a jumbled mess of a game that felt like we were just spinning our wheels.
Third, the story did not flow nicely. For a game that is supposed to be about experience of playing, it did nothing. The theme should of drawn us in, but it felt pasted on and did not produce a smooth story that flowed from room to room. Rather, it felt like watching an internet video on 56k modem, choppy and unrefined.
A boring railroad where every decision you make is worthless and the entire evening is ruled out as a waste of time "

"Agree with Shut up and Sit Down on this one. It was a cool idea, but the experience was not worth the investment. There are other games I would rather play."

"Incredibly expensive for a SINGLE USE game that takes only a few hours. What's that, you can buy an overpriced expansion to play an additional time? Wonderful."

"Board games are not video games. Board games are meant to last, or give you a long and powerful experience, like Risk/Pandemic Legacy. This is one and done."

"Badly written rule book completely destroyed game experience. For a 'one play' game its unacceptable."

"Contains all of the worst aspects of games (obscure puzzles, memorization, co-op) and combines them into a play-once experience where once is one times too many. The whole group was so frustrated by the end that we just read the last few cards to see what happens without any care to the order or scoring."

"I don't like cooperative games to begin with, so this game did not really have a fair chance. However, the mechanics are very pedestrian (pick a card to read and roll stars to pass a test, etc). You are supposed to be immersed in the story, but the story is chopped to pieces and far too much is left unanswered. When we finally won the base scenario, it really felt like we had done little to nothing that had anything to do with the objectives read to us at the beginning of the game. Also, too many objects are just red herrings that seem arbitrarily thrown in just to ensure you do not win on the first run through. I don't mind not winning, but I prefer a reason for failure other than the author playing random tricks on you. So bland mechanics and a poorly constructed story equals a really bad game. I hope that as time passes, fewer people buy the expansions and all the fans just trade them back and forth. That could spell the end of this title."

"Too loose narrative.
Very Boring.
Even it claims STORY telling game, But Stories of this game are poor a lot."

"1 play is more than I ever needed of this rules error ridden travesty of a good idea. Definitely not a game. Barely an activity. I want any time I spent on this game back."

"If a game is a series of interesting decisions, then this is barely a game. Linear and pedestrian, with little sense of escalation. Mechanically awful, to the point where failing a dice roll means you spent your whole turn having no effect whatsoever on the game state."

"Still, at least I have this incredible story that everyone is so excited about. Or, maybe not. I'm convinced that those heaping praise upon the writing have never read a truly great story. This is sixth-form level tripe, overwrought and barely held together with lazy tropes. Oh and characterising the mentally ill as monstrous? Nice work guys, bring on the zombies and elves."

"This isn't even a game. It's a loose narrative passing itself as a story that has a lot of false starts and one irritating puzzle that feels so out of place from the rest of the game as to make it broken. I played until we won, and was unsatisfied even when we did so."

"The rulebook is terrible, which wouldn't be such a big problem if there were a way that you could ask questions without spoiling the game for people (or getting an answer without spoiling it for you). Definitely broken."

"I seriously don't understand why this is so highly rated. There is literally only one puzzle to solve, and everything else is basically the same as a roll-and-move because until you've been through it once, there's not much decision making for where you go -- it's just random, with more places to waste time than are relevant to your missions."
"What a boring piece of crap !!"

"No replayability and too expensive for what it is."

"The mechanism feels awkward and all the scenarios are boring as hell."

"Junk, pure garbage !!"

en: 10 de Marzo de 2017, 11:11:26 6 SALÓN DE TE / ¿Qué os parece...? / Re:TIME STORIES

A lo mejor es eso, que os creiais que os ibais a encontrar una partida de rol sin master. Normal que te decepciones.Mejor que sigais jugando al rol.

No, simplemente no hay cosas que hacer, no tomas decisiones en base a nada. Sólo lees. Este juego lo venden como una mezcla de juego de rol y juego de mesa y no es ni una cosa ni otra. Entiendo que tenga un público que quiera experimentar una historia sin pretensiones lúdicas, pero como juego de mesa es, en mi opinión, una intención fallida, que sigan intentándolo, la idea no es mala.

Este juego ganaría muchísimo con un máster o guía que diera pistas sobre cada localización, que te planteara retos sabiendo qué hay debajo de cada carta y que te incitase a tomar decisiones en base a algo.

en: 09 de Marzo de 2017, 20:09:19 7 SALÓN DE TE / ¿Qué os parece...? / Re:TIME STORIES

Hoy lo he probado. He jugado el primer y último caso. Si has jugado alguna vez a rol este juego es simplemente aburrido, un ejercicio de lectura estéril. No decides nada, realmente no es un juego, no interpretas a nadie, tampoco es un juego de rol, quiere ser un sucedáneo y se queda en nada, lo peor que te puede pasar con una experiencia lúdica es que te aburras y este juego es un completo aburrimiento.
Todavía me pregunto qué le ve la gente a este pseudojuego, no sirve ni como ejercicio de lectura, se queda en la nada más absoluta.
Los tres que hemos jugado hoy, que somos jugadores habituales de rol, nos hemos quedado con cara de wtf, qué es esto.

en: 09 de Noviembre de 2016, 20:56:46 8 SALÓN DE TE / De jugón a jugón / Re:El futuro de los juegos de mesa

Los juegos se están convirtiendo en un producto de los denominados usar y tirar, en este caso usar y vender, se está saturando el mercado con novedades que aportan poco o nada, mucho componente, mucha miniatura y mucha historia, pero innovación 0 (como por ejemplo el Scythe que si no fuese por todo el bombo que se le ha dado es un juego que pasaría con más pena que gloria por el mundillo) y los pocos que innovan, como puede ser Mysterium a las 2 ó 3 partidas ya te has cansado de ellos, son demasiado lineales y monótonos.
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