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Mensajes - rathskellers

Páginas: [1]
Materiales, Maquinaria y Accesorios / Re:Mesas de juego
« en: 12 de Junio de 2016, 23:31:26  »

Materiales, Maquinaria y Accesorios / Re:Mesas de juego
« en: 05 de Febrero de 2016, 14:16:42  »
Greeting to you all !

Sorry if highjacking the thread and excuse me for not knowing the spanish language.

I am Thanos, the Co-Founder of Rathskellers - Board Gaming Tables https://www.rathskellers.com and found your thread when we were looking for web references.

Since i see that the topic is pretty active as the community i would love if you could share your ideas or input regarding Board Game Tables in General. What are your gaming habits ? What would you like to see in the future in terms of extras, new designs, accessories and etc.

You can directly contact me via pm, email or just reply to the thread (will do my best when translating with google :) )

Have fun and keep on playing !


Páginas: [1]