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Mensajes - Tin Hat Games

Páginas: [1]
45 mas gastos de envio es demasiado para mi sino me lo pillaba seguro

If I translated right the problem is the price, you still can get your copy for 30 € with the special bundle "an army of stooges".
You can create here a group of buyers and get the game with all the stretch goals + promo card with 10 € discount!

If you need a closer look at the game here's a complete gameplay video of Dungeon Digger - standard scenario.

Have a nice day!

Hi, Matt from Tin Hat Games here,
sorry if I write in English but, as Dracula can confirm, we don't know Spanish very well  :(

Here I am to answer to your question and to speak with the game mechanics with you!

Have a nice day!

Páginas: [1]