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Mensajes - Hessen

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Ronda 1
Hessen (PL) vs Dalanel (LS)

Gondor fell - but so did the Ring, into the fires of Mount Doom.

Hola! Me apunto.

Torneos y Ligas / Re:VIII Torneo on line LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO / Final
« en: 06 de Junio de 2019, 23:11:51  »
“Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Three for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

The Fellowship sprinted past Moria in two turns, also getting Gandalf back as White. The Fellowship broke soon after that, Legolas wanted then to go Lórien and a hobbit to Fangorn to meet Gandalf. Also Strider decided it was time to leave the life as a northern ranger behind and become what he was meant to be: the heir of Isildur. Meanwhile Saruman was sending armies to Rohan but Helm's Deep and Edoras were not attacked yet. Once the attacks came, Helm's Deep fell swiftly to Uruk-Hai but Edoras was prepared though eventually giving in the combined power of Isengard and Mordor.

The diminished Fellowship continued and diminished a bit more whenGimli fell for Frodo. Boromir guided the three hobbits to Minas Tirith. A quick rest there and the quest continued. Cruel Weather hit them but Nazgul Strike was a miss. Gondor and Elves mustered to war.

All Shadow special tiles were soon in the pool but the Fellowship had only few corruption. The red 3 stopped them but then Sauron became obsessed to get what was his but for no good: Isildur's Bane and Orc Patrol both drew an eye, one of each colour! Gollum was soon guide though but Frodo was well prepared and rested.

In Gondor Sauron faced a serious setback. Gandalf had come to defence of Minas Tirith which draw the attention of Witch-king and Mouth of Sauron. The walls of the White City were thick and well defended though. Grond was brought in but it depleted shadow's forces, after which the defenders sortied and Sauron lost two of his minions.

In Mordor Frodo advanced slowly but steadily towards the Mount Doom. Give It to Uss! was only another mild hindrance. With Mithril Coat and Sting Frodo was prepared to finish the quest. Shelob's Lair was found in Mount Doom but with the Mithril Coat and Sting he drove her away and Frodo determinedly tossed the Ring to the fires of Mount Doom ending the reign of Sauron.

[I played Free Peoples by the way.]

Thank you all for the tournament, you are a great bunch of people and I enjoyed greatly playing with you. Special thanks to Antonio, it was great to have a chance to play face to face (outside of the tournament). And thanks for Tigre for organising the whole thing.

PS. If you wish to see my hand in the games I played, my password when playing the Free Peoples was EFPH, and ESPH when Shadow.

Oh, sorry folks, I did not mean to be misleading. Having said that had I realised the ambiguousness of my words I might have tried to be because of my sense of humour :D

In the first semifinal shadow was really lacking 6s, the first 50+ dice rolls gave 2 sixes. Not usual.

In the second game Sauron was really into the Fellowship, an eye was drawn 7 times during the game. I guess I have never seen that before either.

Me and Tidius finished our quarter finals.

Game 1. The Fellowship was not moving very fast which gave time to the shadow military. However, securing the last VP proved to be very difficult.

Game 2. The Free Peoples got good defences up which gave Frodo plenty of time to try to reach Mount Doom.

Me and Raúl finished our game. It turned out to be 17 rounds.

The Fellowship was hunted relentlessly and Strider fell early. Frodo and the rest did not get a proper chance to take refuge in Lórien nor Minas Tirith. It was only a fool's hope to enter Mordor at 6ish corruption. Elsewhere things were going better. Although Helm's Deep was lost, rohirrim rode to Minas Tirith and the White City was not going to fall easily. Gandalf the White joined the stout defenders and eventually the first battle of Pelennor Fields was won and Sauron had lost the Black Captain. Later Gandalf rode to Dol Amroth and fought off the other of Sauron's minions, Mouth of Sauron. In Mordor Frodo had time but he would need all the luck he could have. Alas, that was to be. Elven Cloaks and Athelas helped at first and when the Mount Doom was nearing Phial of Galadriel gave Frodo courage and strength to unmake the ring of power.

Very much thanks to my opponent we managed to play the game this soon.

Saruman mustered heavily, sent forces to Rohan and Helm's Deep fell easily. However first turn Gandalf the White provided actions and later also sneaked and led Riders of Theoden back to Helm's Deep. They fought off the pursuers and all rohirrim were mustered. After Witch-king also met his fate in Helm's Deep the Fellowship had plenty of time to undo the Ring.

Torneos y Ligas / Re:VIII Torneo on line LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO / Inscripciones
« en: 10 de Octubre de 2018, 13:42:19  »
Saludos de Finlandia. I will participate, sign me in.

Thanks everybody, I had a fun run in the tournament. Special thanks to you, Tigre, for doing this.

I faced Daniel yesterday. The Fellowship took the northern route and the shadow made sure that they would not get rid of the early WWSAT by attacking DEW. The Free Peoples could not slow shadow armies down well enough, only Minas Tirith stood against the hordes of shadow after DA and Pelargir had fallen. The fate of Free Peoples hang on rohirrim and HD when Saruman unleashed his armies. In the end the the Fighting Uruk-Hai cut down the defenders and the Middle-earth was Sauron's.

Carles and I finished our game yesterday. The Fellowship stayed ahead in the race and although 3 red tiles were drawn in Mordor Frodo had just enough strength to undo the Ring.

Torneos y Ligas / Re:VII Torneo on line LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO / 3ªronda
« en: 22 de Enero de 2018, 23:00:50  »
Christian and I finished our round 3 game. It ended up to be a longer one, 16 turns. Aragorn lead a huge army of elves and so shadow had to be cautious. Little by little the threat could be contained. Frodo however had hard time in Mordor and eventually the ring was too much to bear.

Torneos y Ligas / Re:VII Torneo on line LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO / Comenzamos
« en: 04 de Enero de 2018, 12:20:01  »
Raúl and I finished our second round game. "War of the Ring is a really amazing game, as I have said before. You can learn all that there is to know about its ways in a month, and yet after a hundred plays it can still surprise you at a pinch."

Had a great game, started like in the books but then offered something new. Eventually the Ring was unmade.

Torneos y Ligas / Re:VII Torneo on line LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO / Comenzamos
« en: 16 de Diciembre de 2017, 19:30:08  »
Xavi and I finished our game. The Fellowship was a bit slow at first and was also revealed in and out of Moria. At the same time Shadow's armies took positions and besieged Lórien, Woodland Realm and Erebor. Lórien fell easily but the other two strongholds did harder resistance. The Fellowship reached Mordor and the hunt pool was not too bad (Challenge of the King removed two eye tiles) but then Sauron launched the decisive attack against Gondor. Corsairs hit Dol Amroth and Minas Morgul marched to Pelargir. In the north Dale had fallen and when DA was lost Aragorn had a very daring task to first take back Pelargir and then hold it against the Witch-king. Alas, it was not to be.

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