Comentario del autor:
"The problem with the 2-player game is the following : Some basic game rules must be adjusted (for example: resources available during trade phase to avoid being limited to the two players’ own tokens) but there must be as few changes as possible so as to stay close from the basic game.
Furthermore in a 2-player scenario, balance must perfect between the two factions with their starting positions so that there is no sure-win scenario for either faction… That’s we have been thoroughly testing with Olivier for the Punic Wars scenario, to avoid technical KO.
By the way, it’s interesting to note that we both believed we found a KO on each side:
Rushing Heroes/Wonders by the Carthaginian
Massive attack on Carthaginian provinces by the Roman.
So, new 2-player scenario, yes maybe, but we won’t publish unless they have been sufficiently tested as some may require specific rules adjustments."
Yo ciertamente no jugaría nunca al Mare Nostrum a 2, ya que se trata de un Civ simplificado, dando prioridad a los apartados de comercio, diplomacia e intercambio. El Civ sí lo he jugado a 2 y funciona, porque la expansión territorial y la evolución tecnológica siguen siendo interesantes, apartados que están reducidos en el MN.