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Mensajes - sylla

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Gracias por tu mensaje, entonces intentaremos ir en estos lugares!

Gracias por la traduccion!

Bueno infelizmente aparece que no hay nadie interesado? Donde estan los game designers de Barcelona? :)


I am a French boardgame designer, currently living in Barcelona.

I've been organizing playtests sessions in Paris for the past 3 years now, and have tested more than 200 prototypes of every kind possible!

A friend of mine is also coming here for 1 week at the end of the month, so we would be very pleased if we could meet some playtesters to share our own creations, and test games made by local designers.

Any day from March 27th to April 1st is fine with us.

If nothing is planned yet, we will organize by ourselves a little event in a café somewhere in the center of the city, for instance on Friday 28th or during the week-end.

Hope to hear from you guys and have the opportunity to set up an international playtesting session ;)



PS: I wrote this post in English, but we speak a little Spanish and could have the session in castellano.

Páginas: [1]