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Mensajes - Ulmo

Páginas: [1]
And the winner is.....


Grats :D

Very interesting final, the Report i let wright him. ;)
My Password was "Ninquelóte".

Thanks to the Orga for the nice tournament. See some of you at BGG's. :)

First game of the final is played.
Ulmo beets Tigre with a shadow military victory in round 10.

A bit luck for Tigre at the hunt, but much badluck with the rolls in mordor.
The shadow holds Lorien, Gondor and Rohan.

Ulmo beats Dr.DiLuca with a round 14 corruption victory.
Very, very close game, many hard decisions to make. Great game, very awesome, thx to DiLuca for it. :)

And for reaching the final here comes a typical german call:

Olé!! ;)

First game between Dr.DiLuca and me ended with a round 14 ringdestruction by me.
Very close game with the better end for Frodo, as remarkable often in this tournament. Sauron seems to be a Teddybear in most of our games.  ;D

Thanks for the Gratulation.  :D

In all our games Frodo was too fast for the evil.
But in our decider it was a bit ridiculous. 10 steps from Rivendell to Mordor in 6! rounds without any reveal!!! Ok, that I've seen before. But then 5 steps in Mordor with only one reveal in 1!!! single round. I have played a few games till now, but a round 7 ringdunk i've never seen before.
So in this game I was the luckiest man on planet and have to beg Lagoon's pardon for my very very good dice rolls in the last rounds. I would bite in my Keyboard, if  my Opponent would roll so.
Thanks again for the funny games, they were very exciting, especially for me. ::)

Ulmo beats Mr.Raul with a round 9 shadow military victory.

The shadow holds Helms Deep, Edoras, Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, Dale and the Woodland-Realm.
The Fellowship was just in Mordor, but not quick enough.  :P

Thanks for the very fair and interesting game. :)

Ulmo beats Rorschach with a free people ring victory in round 12.

(Free peoples password is "Súlimo", if you take a look at the log.)

Henry gave me this link for your tournament, so i ask for participation.
Like Henry, I'm german, but i can't speak or write spanish. When it's ok for you to communicate in english with me, I'm in. When not, it's ok. I know the game and the client.

Greetings, Ulmo.

Páginas: [1]