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Mensajes - fujitora49

Páginas: [1]
Videojuegos / Android automata and solo board games
« en: 17 de Mayo de 2022, 10:12:36  »
I recently began playing solo board games and am always looking for new and exciting games to play (some long hard and difficult, some easy and quick to play and finish).

It all started with gloomhaven gotl, which I adored. I spotted a steam discount for Gloomhaven on the PC shortly after that and was blown away by how much fun it was (and most of all, how easy to "set-up" and play a scenario). The only disappointment is that it is not accessible on Android for a tablet or mobile phone experience.

So here's the first major question: What are some of your favorite solo board games for Android?


Páginas: [1]