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Mensajes - andre_crc

Páginas: [1]
Cuartos de final, partido de vuelta: andre_crc (PL) vs Xirivia (LS)

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The game between Viiii and I has been voted to be broadcasted by Fran, but this is the result of the second game, not sure if this specific one will end up on YouTube.
Anyways, the result is in the spoiler below.

andre_crc (PL) vs Viiii (LS)
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7ma ronda: andre_crc(PL) vs Juakinaki (LS)

PLDA win on turn 7.
0 eyes turn 1, Aragorn not crowned.
6 corruption, 7 VP for Shadow (Rivendell, Lorien, Helm's Deep, Edoras).

Torneos y Ligas / Re:XIII TORNEO ON LINE LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO/ Sexta ronda
« en: 14 de Marzo de 2024, 00:15:10  »
6 ronda, 1 partida, andre_crc (PL) vs Bishop (LS)

Fran will make a video about this game, so I'll leave the result in the spoiler below.

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Torneos y Ligas / Re:XIII TORNEO ON LINE LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO/ Quinta ronda
« en: 23 de Febrero de 2024, 09:52:03  »
Ronda 5, andre_crc (PL) vs Ramsy (LS)

Free Peoples conceded just a couple of dice before the end of the game, so statistics about Corruption, Number of steps on Mordor Track and conquered Settlements are not entirely accurate. However, I'll report them as my opponent did for the ladder.

Shadow military victory: Helm's Deep, Edoras, Lorien, Erebor, Dale, Woodland Realm
Turn 7
Corruption Points: 4
1st step on the Mordor Track
Aragorn crowned turn 3
0 eyes allocated on turn 1

Torneos y Ligas / Re:XIII TORNEO ON LINE LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO/ Cuarta ronda
« en: 29 de Enero de 2024, 18:29:04  »
Ronda 4, andre_crc (PL) vs Barbarisco (LS)

Shadow military victory: Helm's Deep, Edoras, Minas Tirith, Erebor, Dale, Woodland Realm
Turn 7
Corruption Points: 10
2nd step on the Mordor Track
Aragorn not crowned

Fun fact: Southrons and Easterlings were the only Nation not at War, and actually they were never mustered once.

Torneos y Ligas / Re:XIII TORNEO ON LINE LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO/ Tercera ronda
« en: 29 de Diciembre de 2023, 15:10:16  »
Ronda 3, game 1 andre_crc (PL) vs Kagarrot (LS)

Turn 12
Free Peoples Ring Victory
7 Corruption
HD, Pelargir, Dol Amroth, Lorien, Dale conquered by LS (8 VP).

Torneos y Ligas / Re:XIII TORNEO ON LINE LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO/ Segunda ronda
« en: 19 de Noviembre de 2023, 02:12:39  »
2a ronda, andre_crc (PL) vs Forja (LS)

Turn 1: Gwaihir + Book of Mazarbul lead to Dwarves immediately at War and Aragorn crowned in DA with Boromir.

In the first turns the Shadow tries to attack Minas Tirith, but the attack is weak, and the Witch-king barely survives a Sortie from the Stronghold. Guards of the Citadel, Faramir's Rangers and Aragorn in Osgiliath are enough to scare the huge Armies of Mordor Orcs and Southrons, who dare not to attack Gondor again until the very end. In the meantime, they just conquer Pelargir and stop there.

The Fellowship loses Gandalf turn 2 and he comes back the next turn white-dressed. Besides the first step, the Fellowship is hit very rarely; Gimli, Legolas and Merry sacrifice themselves along the way so that the Ring-bearers can reach Minas Tirith with only 2 corruption points (inflicted by a Morgul Blade at the Doors of Durin) with Gollum as the Guide; in the next turn, on turn 8, 3 movements against 1 eye only lead the Ring-bearers on the Mordor Track with only 1 Corruption.

Meanwhile, the Shadow has conquered quite easily Lorien, but it struggles a bit re-directing its forces spread around the map to the next military targets; after a while, the Shadow besieges Woodland Realm first, then Rivendell, but WLR is very tough, and there is a strong army of Dwarves and Men really close. The North goes to War after the first attack on WLR, so the Free Peoples start recruiting in Dale.

Rivendell falls quickly, and the remaining forces move towards The Shire supported by a few Monsters Roused, but Pippin and a nice Northern Army are waiting for them. On the other side of the map, Gandalf proves to be the swifter and reaches Dale from Fangorn, ready to lead a huge army of Dwarves and Men to free Woodland Realm in order to create some military troubles in case the Mordor Track goes poorly for Frodo.

Rohan is the only Nation that doesn't reach the "At War" step on the Political Track: Eomer and Merry came to help, and maybe because of that Saruman routed all the Isengard attacks North, towards Rivendll first, then on to Bree and The Shire.

But tonight, even though the Java gods favoured the Shadow with a huge amount of 6s at first, in the end they show mercy to the Ring-bearers. The Hunt Pool in Mordor is really nice, even though there are 5 eyes (red included) and the red 3 before the second movement (on a total of 17 Hunt tiles); only 1 blue tile was put in the pool after the second movement.
Eventually, the tiles drawn in Mordor are 0r, 3, Eye (3), 1, 2 (plus an useless Eye drawn by Foul Thing from the Deep).

The game ends with:

Free Peoples Ring Victory
Turn 12
Corruption: 8
Shadow military points: 5 (Lorien, Rivendell, Pelargir).
Free Peoples military points: 0.
Aragorn turn 1, 1 eye allocated.

1a ronda, 1a partida: Kinta (LS) vs andre_crc (PL)

Victoria de los Pueblos Libres por destrucción del Anillo, turno 7, 5 puntos de corrupción, 5 puntos militares por La Sombra.

Partida muy rapida, reseña muy rapida.
Gracias Kinta!

Torneos y Ligas / Re:XIII TORNEO ON LINE LA GUERRA DEL ANILLO/ Inscripciones
« en: 02 de Octubre de 2023, 13:19:51  »
Me apunto!

Páginas: [1]