Terminado:Descarga el reglamento:http://analisisparalisis.wordpress.com/2013/06/22/manual-la-resistencia-avalon-en-castellano/
ExcaliburHe who controls Excalibur has tremendous power, for Good or Evil. Choosewisely, and use cautiously lest the forces of Evil be strengthened.Excalibur can be added to the game as an optional player power. Excaliburgives a member of the Quest Team the ability to alter the outcome of theQuest by switching another player’s played Quest card.During the Team Building Phase, Excalibur is assigned by the Leader to one ofthe players on the Team by giving that player both a Team token and theExcalibur card. The Leader cannot assign Excalibur to himself.During the Quest Phase, Team Members select their Quest card and play itface down in front of themselves so that it is clear which player played whatcard. Before collecting the played Quest Cards, the player with Excaliburmay tell any one other player to switch their Quest cards (the unplayed cardbecomes the played card).After switching the cards, the player with Excalibur looks at the switched card(the card that was originally played). He thus knows which card that playerchose, and if his switch was beneficial or harmful to the Quest. The Leaderthen collects and shuffles the played Quest cards before revealing as normal.Example: Ron, the Leader, entrusts Sarah to both be on the Team and wieldExcalibur. He also chooses himself and Pat to be on the Team. After theTeam is approved, Ron, Pat and Sarah play their Quest cards in front ofthemselves. Sarah elects to use Excalibur and switches the Quest card thatPat had played. Sarah then looks at the Quest card that Pat originally played(Quest Success) and she knows that her switch has doomed the Quest to Fail.The Leader collects and shuffles the Quest cards before revealing two Successand one Fail cards.If using The Plot Thickens cards: Excalibur’s ability comes into play before aplayer may use Keeping a close eye on you. Also, Excalibur may not switch aset of cards if they’ve been played face up due to In the spotlight.
Cierto, cierto y espera a ver la expansión no oficial que estoy ideando. Resistencia Avalon 2.0
:B :B :BUshikai, para variantes e ideas alternativas, échale un vistazo a esto. Excalibur, inquisitors, lady of the lake, game of throne's resistance, etc,...Muchas gracias de nuevo por la traducción y maquetación.