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Es el "middle earth quest" un juego para 2???
« en: 03 de Febrero de 2010, 00:07:24 »
Buenas gente.
Acaba de salir hace nada este jueguecillo en devir.
Andaba buscando "la guerra del anillo" pero visto lo complicado me comentaron este.

El gda era para 2 pero este meq pone de 2 a 4 entonces quería preguntaros si lo veis apropiado para 2 ( mi novia le ha dado el visto bueno y voy de cabeza )

espero vuestros comentarios



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Re: Es el "middle earth quest" un juego para 2???
« Respuesta #1 en: 03 de Febrero de 2010, 12:53:02 »
Buenas Imladris, en primer lugar decirte que ni idea del juego, pero investigando en bgg hay unos cuantos temas que tratan sobre el número de jugadores y tal, a grandes rasgos la mayoría tienen en comun la opinión de que el juego esta más equilibrado a partir de 3 jugadores (eso también depende de los heroes, creo) y cuando es más divertido es con 4 playerrsss. Que pongo aqui un listado con los enlaces y tu ya vas leyendo cuando tengas tiempo.

Sobre dos jugadores:

http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/470532/sauron-never-wins-in-2-player-game Este es bastante simpático ya que el pobre nunca gana si coge Sauron  :D
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/451999/two-player-preferences Este es una encuesta porque al parecer hay diferentes formas de jugar dos personas.

Otro número de jugadores y diversas opiniones:


Bueno, como vi que nadie contestaba (seguramente porque como yo no tenían ni idea) me decidí a buscar un poco para echarte una mano y como podría decirse: "En caso de duda irresoluble BGG, para todo lo demás BSK" ;)

Que te sea leve y de provecho.  ;D
« Última modificación: 03 de Febrero de 2010, 12:56:49 por WasabiXL »


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Re: Es el "middle earth quest" un juego para 2???
« Respuesta #2 en: 04 de Febrero de 2010, 10:54:28 »
Buenas Imladris, en primer lugar decirte que ni idea del juego, pero investigando en bgg hay unos cuantos temas que tratan sobre el número de jugadores y tal, a grandes rasgos la mayoría tienen en comun la opinión de que el juego esta más equilibrado a partir de 3 jugadores (eso también depende de los heroes, creo) y cuando es más divertido es con 4 playerrsss. Que pongo aqui un listado con los enlaces y tu ya vas leyendo cuando tengas tiempo.

Sobre dos jugadores:

http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/470532/sauron-never-wins-in-2-player-game Este es bastante simpático ya que el pobre nunca gana si coge Sauron  :D
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/451999/two-player-preferences Este es una encuesta porque al parecer hay diferentes formas de jugar dos personas.

Otro número de jugadores y diversas opiniones:


Bueno, como vi que nadie contestaba (seguramente porque como yo no tenían ni idea) me decidí a buscar un poco para echarte una mano y como podría decirse: "En caso de duda irresoluble BGG, para todo lo demás BSK" ;)

Que te sea leve y de provecho.  ;D

WasabiXL, gracias por tu info; he estado leyendo un buen rato y voy a poner unos comentarios que va diciendo la gente in english of course jeje

1)I think it is most fun with 4 players. As long as all players are experienced the game shouldn't drag. It is also fun with 3, but 4 players is really exciting. A 2 player game I feel is in the favor of the Hero.

2)I think the game plays very well in every configuration. The only issue with four players is the downtime for hero players can be a touch long. But as long as nobody minds that, the game is fun and works well.

3)bought the game for 3 players, for two reasons:
- with 3 players it takes less time than with 4 players (at least according to these forums, and I think this is true - not sure how much longer it actually takes but anyway)
- I like "cooperation/partnership" type of gaming. If there would be just 2 players, there wouldn't be any cooperation - it's just head to head.

4)First game, played against my wife (me as Sauron the Great, her as some elf bloke ;)

We both made some of the usual 'first game' type mistakes:
- I took Plot cards early on I couldn't possibly play until much later.
- My wife was too scared of my Influence tokens and didn't clear any of them.
- She took too long getting round to clearing my plot cards and by then it was too late (this largely balanced out my mistake).
- She didn't consult any of the characters (but then as she had the favour she needed and I'd booby-trapped all the characters this was probably a wise move).

My initial thoughts are:
- I don't like the automatic progression of the heroes' story token.
- Some of the missions are trivially easy to accomplish: come the Finale both my wife and I had completed ours: hers was to collect 5 favour (easy) and mine was to have either the Ringwraiths or 6 Influence in The Shire: I had both. The former I achieved through an event card, so a bit random.
- The two player rules would be better if instead of playing one hero and taking two rounds of play, instead the player should simply control two heros.
- The missions need much more thought and much more flavour especially as they are the mechanism by which you win or lose the game. 'Collect 5 Flavour' is just so boring, grey and game-mechanical (and too easy).
- At the end, as we'd both completed our missions (and neither of us had dominance) we had to assume we had to have 'the fight' (the rules say if neither side completes their mission they fight, but it doesn't say anything about if both have completed it, which must be pretty common given how easy they are). The fight: Ringwraiths versus elf was... boring and a real anti-climax. And let's face it not very in-keeping with the Lore: could any of the free-peoples, short of Galadriel, Elrond and Gandalf ,have defeated 8 Ringwraiths (The Witch King is played separately)?

Can't say I know whether I like it yet. I'll hold back judgement until I've had a chance to play it 3-player, which appears to the number of players this was designed for.

Respuestas a este, que es más bien el que me interesa porque como veis es una partida a 2:
- I'll probably play with 2 or 3 heroes. It's not a problem in Fury of Dracula.
- My experience, and the reported experience of most other people who have played 2-player, is that just having one hero works fine and may in fact be better than a single player controlling two heroes.
- I would do Sauron vs 2 Heroes. It's what I did with Arkham Horror, though MEQ is different, because with only 1 Hero, you basically do 2 turns, so you do learn the sequence quite quickly. With 2 Heroes, if one is down on cards and needs to Rest, probably the other one can have a more productive turn, so the Hero player still feels involved during that turn.
- I preferred the one hero version in playtesting. Lots more mobility. It's hard for Sauron to keep up, especially if you have a horse or boat. Getting two turns before Sauron can move is a huge advantage. You are only stuck if Sauron can put things out where he knows you have to go, and he can do that for 2 heroes as easily as one (and they don't get two turns of mobility to move around with).
-I agree, game is just different with 2 players. Sauron player has to adapt the strategy when facing a hero who moves twice (and draws twice).
-I think it works fine as 2 player with the suggested rule changes in the rule book. I also think it works fine with 3 players too.

y este último cuenta la experiencia de un jugador que ha jugado unas 20 partidas en modo 2 y los comentarios del resto...

Bien para no seguir cortando y copiando....

Me quedo con las siguientes ideas:
- parece que el nº optimo de jugadores es de 3
- y por ahora no resuelvo del todo mi duda de 2 jugadores pues hay entroncadas opiniones al respecto..
Así que seguiré esperando vuestros comentarios y esperaré al finde pues también comenté la duda por privado con otros usuarios y uno de ellos me comentó que lo probaría este finde a 2

Lo iré posteando , pero por ahora los más o menos 70 eurillos que cuesta se quedan en mi bolsillo a la espera...

saludos !!