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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #45 en: 24 de Marzo de 2014, 21:55:37 »
En la BGG preguntan que para qué sirve el dinero extra, que incluso con 5 nunca han necesitado dinero extra con el juego clásico, y viene el chaval de HiG y dice que

regarding extra Money: If you play alot it might be good to have a spare pack. Since it is thin paper, it is easely damaged or just looks crappy after a while.

Vamos, que como es de papel y es una mierda, pues que así tienes más cuando se joda.

Para seguir el cachondeo, todo el mundo está diciendo que por qué se incluye la expansión The Banquet y no la de New Society, que comentan muchos que es imprescindible para que el juego esté equilibrado. Dicen de HiG que están planteándoselo y viendo como lo hacen, y aparece por la BGG el autor de la expansión diciendo que

I have not been contacted by anyone at all re: this project. This is the first I've heard of it.

Que se acaba de enterar de todo esto, vamos.

No puedo entender que plantees un crowdfunding así y no se te pase por la cabeza, para empezar, hacer números e intentar incluir las expansiones que has publicado anteriormente.

Viendo la gestión y los precios, cualquiera diría que éstos no quieren vender el juego  :o
« Última modificación: 24 de Marzo de 2014, 21:57:10 por fiomtec »


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #46 en: 24 de Marzo de 2014, 22:04:27 »

Para seguir el cachondeo, todo el mundo está diciendo que por qué se incluye la expansión The Banquet y no la de New Society, que comentan muchos que es imprescindible para que el juego esté equilibrado.
No puedo entender que plantees un crowdfunding así y no se te pase por la cabeza, para empezar, hacer números e intentar incluir las expansiones que has publicado anteriormente.

Confirmo que eso es asi, yo no juego nunca con The banquet y segun como seas de puntilloso con el equilibrio del juego New society puede ser imprescindible. Black meeple lo epxlica mejor que yo en su entrada de hoy



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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #47 en: 24 de Marzo de 2014, 22:12:56 »
Ostris, no me había dado cuenta de que solo incluía una de las dos expansiones. Pues si, la opinión general es que new society (la no incluida) es la que aporta algo, así que es un poco guarrada que no este. Igual aparece como stretch goal, quien sabe


Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #48 en: 25 de Marzo de 2014, 07:31:01 »
Lo que si he visto es que incluye un quinto mazo con el reverso amarillo que da dinero
 Las expansiones , de todas formas, yo no las uso...pero ya podrían haberlas incluido, al menos para los mecenas crowndunding...


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #49 en: 25 de Marzo de 2014, 19:52:42 »
Han abierto una encuesta para que la gente vote que expansiones prefiere y son más populares.


Es mi opinion pero el banquete es muy floja, sirve sólo para jugarla ocasionalmente y añadir variedad pero no aporta profundidad al juego. Vienen siendo unos eventos que desequilibran el ritmo de juego cuando salen. New society en cambio está muy bien.
« Última modificación: 25 de Marzo de 2014, 19:55:10 por Celacanto »


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #50 en: 25 de Marzo de 2014, 21:14:52 »
Lo curioso es que no preguntan quién la quiere, sino quién la tiene y quién la juega.

Huelo una oleada de mentiras para acabar con un porcentaje a la búlgara  :P


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #51 en: 25 de Marzo de 2014, 22:54:03 »
Hombre, cada expansion es un puñadete de cartas. No les costaba nada incluir las dos. De hecho HiG las vendía juntas


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #52 en: 25 de Marzo de 2014, 23:30:14 »
No creo que les cueste nada incluir esas ¿24? cartas en el juego. A estas alturas, es más un tema de cabezonería y de derechos de autor que otra cosa.


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #53 en: 28 de Marzo de 2014, 20:06:46 »
Bueno, sin ser lo que queremos del todo, parece que algo se progresa:

eagerly awaited new Stretchgoals

A short summary of the text below for the English speaking supporters:

"HiG thanks all of you for your trust and support. Also they announce new Stretchgoals, including parts of the "New society Expansion"

These are the main facts of the statement:

1. Mistress of Ceremony and Observatory were already adjusted for the new base game

2. the 5th player is also already implemented in the basic game

3. the next stretchgoal will include some cards of the former "New Society Expansion" (not the ones for 5th player or to change balance)

4. if the stretchgoal above is reached, a new option will be added for fans of the original "New Society" cards. This can be added to the pledge to get these in new design

5. HiG is currently working and testing 2 more possible expansions for SP that might be added later in the funding period.

Your Spieleschmiede Team

y la parrafada alemán pasada por el translate:

Longed , further improvements

First of all, we want to sincerely thank all our supporters ! Thank you so much confidence has shown in us !
We are on the success ? in the truest sense of the word ? overwhelmed. We have already been working on improving it for you, but we wanted to write anything that does not really have hand and foot. Therefore, and because of course we also edit any other projects as St. Petersburg, we apologize if it takes a little bit with our response . We are car guys to be a small publisher .

After everything went so fast now , a lot has been building up , and we now want to describe the important from our point of view points in more detail.

There is quite a lot , so here is a short summary:
? The cards governess and observatory are already for the basic game
? The 5th player is also already possible in the base game .
? The next improvement target will be some maps of the expansion ? In the best
Society ? include . There will also be another reward option if the goal is reached .
? We are working feverishly to further opportunities for you.

Now everything a little more detail :
Maximum controversially discussed :
It is often after enlargement ? In good company ? created by Tom Lehmann and Karl Heinz Schmiel , which appeared a few years ago .
In anticipation , yes, the governess , the observatory and some other cards have been slightly adapted by us for the new base game . So it must not be exchanged cards before the game, not even if you should play without the new phase ! ( the corresponding maps in ? extension in good company ? therefore do not fit )

Likewise, the 5th player was integrated by the new phase.
It should here be noted that the replacement of some cards, it is proposed in the extension, in turn, is regarded by some as needed from other unnecessary. There are many thousands of players who have played thousands of games , and they find that the game balanced as completely . Those are the different opinion , as the other way around like this too please respect , indeed .

Nevertheless, we have much rebuilt in the game , especially the new phase
brings changes that affect the balance of the game ( as some of you already guessed it, had ;)) .
This therefore means that a large part of the card that contains the extension , not
are no longer necessary .
Still remain the additional cards from the ? In good company ? Extension. To make them available, we have already made ​​contact with Tom Lehmann, the author of this map . This has already been very positive this and the following will be the next target improvement
appear :
The 12 cards from the expansion ? In good company ? , Which are not required for the old version 5 player and not the cards that have replaced other original maps from the base game .

In the moment in which the improvement will be achieved, also set the option ? Purists will be in good company for new to come in the rewards ? :
Each blacksmith can then the remaining cards from the expansion ? In good company ? Add additional and optional if it increases its funding contribution something . ( So the original map for the 5th player , as well as the cards, the other replaced in the style of the new Saint Petersburg. )

Other improvements include:
We are currently preparing two more small modules that after the translation Tom Lehmann-
Improvement ? appear .

Unfortunately, we can not simply out of the hat improvements.
We have to calculate with a sharp pencil , so that the project remains viable . And last but not least the possible modules should be well integrated and
of course, be properly tested !

See with great pleasure and we hear that many fans want to get involved with new ideas. This is very nice and as I said, we notice this , think about it and let one or the other already be calculated . Please have but
Understand that we can not comment on everything transpose nor us immediately. In order to be always approachable and always , we are a publisher or too small

You may still be curious to see if maybe one or two more options come :) .

Not quite uncritically the improvement Saint Petersburg was added to bring in the board game world. We did this a little surprised , to be honest .
We wanted to thank all the previous fans and supporters by making the game available worldwide. So everyone who wants this can free play with whomever he wants.

If these improvements are implemented, no supporters lose anything , so it will not cause damage to anyone . One could even say there will be many happy . Would it not be able to say nice, you took part in something that makes many other pleasure ?

On we go to an even better St. Petersburg :)!

Regards Moritz Brunnhofer , in the name of Hans im Glück Verlag

A ver si progresa la cosa...


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #54 en: 28 de Marzo de 2014, 20:46:57 »
Tom Lehmann (autor de New Society) en la BGG:

I've now been contacted by Hans im Glück and have the following to report. For more details, see the St. Petersburg crowd-funding page.

* Hans im Glück has added a New Society sub-set (12 cards) as a stretch goal.

If this goal is met, all backers get this mini-expansion.

This mini-expansion includes most of the *new* cards (Sycophants, Debtor's Prison, Mayor, Lt. Kije, Textile Factory, etc.). It does NOT include the New Farmers, copies of existing cards, nor the revised cards.

* If this stretch goal is met, backers can buy the other 24 New Society cards, including the 7 revised cards (Mistress, Observatory, etc.), as an optional add-on.

This add-on will be priced at cost. If not enough add-on pledges are received to make printing the add-on viable, any money pledged for the add-on will be returned.

With the add-on, players who want to use the revised cards or play the original rules with just the New Society can do so with the new edition.

Hans im Glück doesn't want to include any revised cards or the New Society 5th player rules with the new edition. I understand this -- they prefer their 5th player Market mechanism, which they believe rebalances the game so that revised cards aren't needed, and feel that providing multiple versions of some cards would confuse new players.

But, Hans im Glück appreciates that some players may disagree, so they are willing to do this as an add-on to give those players the option to play as they prefer with the new St. Petersburg edition.

If this stretch goal is reached and enough add-on orders occur, any extra add-on sets left after filling backer orders will be made available (perhaps via the BGG store).

But, this will likely be just a few copies and a one-time offer, so the best way to ensure that you get the New Society add-on is to back the project, help Hans im Glück achieve this stretch goal, and then buy the add-on.

I'm thrilled that the New Society "fun" cards will be available to all and that Hans im Glück was willing to consider an add-on to address the concerns of those who prefer to play with the full New Society expansion, including the revised cards.

Tom Lehmann, New Society designer


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #55 en: 10 de Abril de 2014, 20:44:57 »
Bueno, parece que los muchachos de HiG han conseguido reducir a la mitad los gastos de envío a USA y Canadá. A ver si esto le da un espaldarazo a la campaña y llegamos a los 48K€ para el SG de (medio) New Society.


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #56 en: 16 de Abril de 2014, 22:22:44 »
Si quereis ver a una castellano-parlante en las cartas de este juego, ya podéis votar por Ketty Galleguillos.


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #57 en: 17 de Abril de 2014, 18:35:21 »
De paso, avisar que estamos a 6€ del SG de 48000€ para que se incluya gran parte de la expansión "New Society".

En lo que han sido bastante ratas es en que se reservan un par de cartas (New Farmers y Obschina Commune), además de alguna copia extra de las demás cartas para 5 jugadores, y si alguien quiere el 100% de esa expansión, creo que van a ser 6€ extra. En la BGG lo detallan.

El siguiente SG anda bastante lejos y tampoco suena muy interesante, no creo que lleguemos.

¿Alguien más que quiera apuntarse al pedido?.


Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #58 en: 18 de Abril de 2014, 13:03:35 »
Ahora mismo tienen abiertas las votaciones para elegir personas que aparezcan en las cartas de la reedición; hay 3 categorías "diseñador", "ilustrador" y "otros" y ya tenemos a los finalistas de cada una:


las votaciones terminan el 23 de abril


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Re:Crowdfunding para reedición de San Petersburgo
« Respuesta #59 en: 23 de Abril de 2014, 08:58:35 »
No contaba con ello, pero se ha desbloqueado también el SG de los 55000€:

55.000 € - Hurdles: The hurdles are a small expansion for Saint Petersburg. Markers can be placed on the scoring track. If a player gets past this hurdle, a special event will be triggered. But that's all we can reveal at the moment.