Para terminar, os comento que ahora estoy con otro problema: no consigo que funcione cuando en el archivo csv utilizo caracteres que no son ascii (vocales con acento, ñ, ¿, ¡, etc.).
I finally convert the UTF8 text files to ISO8859-15 and it works but it tooks out some commas and I have to redo the file manually.
By the way, there are two commands that are already Unicode-enabled (or, at least, I hope so): RTFTEXT and HTMLTEXT. An example, with an arabic letter ب:RTFTEXT=1,"{\rtf \u1576?\par}",1,1,4,2,#FFFFFF,0HTMLTEXT=1,"< p>&# 1576;< /p>",1,4,4,2,#FFFFFF,0
prueba con el port de win32 de iconvhttp://