Feria Jugar x Jugar (2009) (viernes)

Segundo acercamiento por la Feria de l’Ascenció de Granollers en la carpa de Jugar x Jugar. Me dio tiempo a saludar a la gente, montar una partida de Arabian Nights, probar un juego abstracto llamado Tebas en el stand de Tecton y poca cosa más. Destacar el interés del «amo y señor» de Cocktail Games, Matthieu d’Epenoux, por adquirir juegos. No será de extrañar, por tanto, que mas de un juego de un autor español sea publicado en esta editorial en el próximo año. A ver si las editoriales españolas espabilan.

Acabé cenando en el hotel oficial de la feria y por último jugando en un salón que tienen habilitado para que los yonkis lúdicos puedan saciar sus ansias jueguiles. Pude probar un juego bastante peculiar llamado Micro Mutants: Evolution (el juego de la rana dopado) con Gurney y Anaskela, y montar una partida de Revelación con la gente de Bellica 3G y Anaskela.

Por favor, sígueme y dale a
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4 thoughts on “Feria Jugar x Jugar (2009) (viernes)

  1. Ola,

    I was very pleased to come in Granollers and very impressed by the very good level of spanish game designers. I played Querni which I think is a very elegant abstract game. It is not the kind of game we publish but I am sure that there could be publishing opportunities on the side of Gigamic or Ferti. I also enjoyed very much the game with the Autruche race.
    One thing which could be improved maybe could be to have the possibility to play to all the games of the Granollers competition.

    Anyway, I had some good time and I wanted to thank everybody to have taken some time to talk to me in english…

    I will try to convince some french publishers to come with me next year.


  2. Matthieu, very good news.

    I understand that Banjooli Xeet if that is a game for Cocktail Games and its metal box format.

    Edit papillons and 22 pommes (and futures spanish cocktail games) with Spanish booklet rules and that it be distributed in Spain, please.

    I regret that my English is not sufficient to maintain a conversation, nor could prove L’esprit of Marie Antoinette.

    See you next year.

  3. Thank you, Mathieu and wkr for the positive comments about my game, that things make me happy.

    In the future, I hope that others publishers come to see the games that are designed in Spain.

    Mathieu, you must play L’esprit of Marie Antoinette, it´s a very ellegant game.


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